A panel of CCAS faculty experts including Tara Sinclair explored the economic stakes in the upcoming presidential election—and whether partisanship trumps pocketbooks for today’s voters.
Exclusively for alumni, the Department of Economics newsletter features alumni and department updates, as well as event information. If you are one of our alumni, update your contact information with the GW Office of Alumni Relations to start receiving this and other exclusive alumni benefits.
The department hosts seminars on a variety of topics throughout the year. Seminars are held in the John W. Kendrick Seminar Room, Monroe Hall Room 321, unless otherwise noted.
Alumni Lecture Series
Alumni and friends are invited to the GW Alumni Lecture Series in Economics. Lectures are delivered by faculty and visiting economists, and are followed by a networking reception open to all attendees.
Co-Sponsored Events
The department co-sponsors many events throughout the year with the Elliott School of International Affairs. See the Elliott School events calendar for details.
The department hosts events specific events catered towards our undergraduate students throughout the year. Visit the undergraduate events page for more details.
Applied Economics Events
The MS program hosts information sessions and workshops, visiting speakers, social gatherings and orientations for new students.