Professional Organizations and Opportunities

Students in our program have countless ways to expand their professional network and career opportunities while studying at GW. In particular, our program is active with the highly-influence National Association for Business Economics and the National Economics Club.

The National Association for Business Economics Membership

The National Association for Business Economics (NABE) is the premier professional association for business economists and others who use economics in the workplace. Since 1959, NABE has attracted prominent figures in economics, business and academia to its membership through conferences, educational and career development tools and networking opportunities. NABE and GW have partnered to offer a joint Certified Business Economist® (CBE) certificate.

NABE hosts a policy conference in the spring in Washington, D.C. that is open to our students. The Economics Department has often funded these events for our students.

Students may join at the student membership rate and take advantage of access to the website, the Business Economics journal, the biennial Salary Survey data and the weekly NABE NewsDigest e-newsletter.

As a CBE University partner with NABE, our students are eligible to apply for NABE’s many scholarships. These scholarships allow students to attend NABE seminars and conferences at no charge.  Several of our students have won these scholarships, and we encourage all students to apply for them!

Our students also may also join the National Economists Club (NEC), which is the organization’s gathering place for professional economists in the nation’s capital. The NEC hosts weekly lunches where prominent economists share their views on the latest global events, and which allow our students to meet these economists in person

As with NABE, the NEC is an excellent place for students to build their network of professional economists. Graduates of our program have served on the Board of Directors of the NEC!

Certified Business Economist Professional Certification

The Applied Economics Program partners with NABE to offer students professional opportunities in the Washington, D.C., area. GW is one of NABE’s CBE University Partners, making our students eligible for NABE’s array of scholarships and for the CBE designation.

Through NABE, students can prepare for the Certified Business Economist® (CBE) professional certification in business economics and data analytics while completing the MS degree. 

According to NABE, the CBE is a symbol of distinction which demonstrates your mastery of the body of knowledge critical for a successful career in the field. Earning and maintaining your CBE enhances your ability to stay current and competitive, improves your on-the-job performance, documents your standing as a leader in the profession, and ensures that your professional achievements and growth are formally recognized.

Completing the Exam

Students may take the CBE exam after completing all program requirements. The NABE website provides deails about the CBE.  

The Department of Economics offers an Oral and Written Communications workshop at no charge to our students that meets the CBE’s requirements. After completing the master’s degree and passing the CBE exam, students will have met the requirements for CBE certification and officially earn the title of Pre-Certified Business Economist.