Vincy Fon

Vincy Fon received her PhD in economics from the University of Kansas. Her research areas include law and economics and applied microeconomics. Among other courses, she teaches graduate microeconomics, undergraduate law and economics, and undergraduate game theory. She has served as a program director in the economics program at the National Science Foundation and as a consultant for the World Bank.
Law and economics, applied microeconomic theory
Vincy Fon’s recent publications include: “Optimal Remedies for Bilateral Contracts,” 2011, The Journal of Legal Studies; “Treaty Formation and Reservations” and “Customary International Law,” in Production of Legal Rules, Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, 2011; "Stability and Change in International Customary Law," 2009, Supreme Court Economic Review; "The Economics of Treaty Ratification," 2009, Journal of Law, Economics, and Policy; “The Hidden Bias of the Vienna Convention on the International Law of Treaties,” 2008, Review of Law and Economics; “Integral Proportional System: Aligning Electoral Votes More Closely with State Popular Votes,” 2008, Supreme Court Economic Review; "Role-Reversibility, Stochastic Ignorance, and Social Cooperation," 2008, Journal of Socio-Economics; "Matching Rules," 2008, Managerial and Decision Economics; "On the Optimal Specificity of Legal Rules," 2007, Journal of Institutional Economics; "State Liability for Wrongful Conviction: Incentive Effects on Crime Levels," 2007, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics; "The Formation of International Treaties," 2007, Review of Law and Economics.
Ph.D., University of Kansas